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Good to be chemist


- All the coffee and pocket protectors you could want!

- Clark Kent style safety glasses

. - Exposure to all kinds of toxic and cancerous substances.

- The "opportunity" to deal with irate clients asking "where are my results?"

- Because it's pHun :)

- Access to 100% pure ethanol

- Knowing how to completely dissolve the bodies of your enemies

- You never have to worry about what you're doing on Friday night (You're working in the lab)

- Permanent goggle marks cheaper than a tattoo.

- You wish to be blamed for all faults in the environment.

- ditto for cancer

- You are adept at poverty cooking

- You prefer to get your course credits the hard way

This section mainly posts science related joke and humor for kids. Science jokes talks about chemistry, biology, physics, animals, experiments, technology and more. There is no scary elements that will scare kids. Science is always fun! To make it even more entertaining, give the kids a few of these jokes to experiment with today.

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