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Chem one-liners 02

Q: How many physical chemists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he'll change it three times, plot a straight line through the data, and then extrapolate to zero concentration.

"A super-saturated solution is one that holds more than it can hold."

Isaac Asimov said that if you want to find a chemist, ask him/her to discuss the following words: 1) mole 2) unionized. As he so eloquently put it, "If he starts talking about furry animals and organized labor, keep walking."

Make it myself? But I'm a physical organic chemist!

Definition: (Fe)male: Male with iron added, for greater strength, ductility, and magnetisim.

Acid is base.

Q: Why do chemists like nitrates so much?
A: They're cheaper than day rates.

"Scale keeps forming inside the kettle", complained Tom, recalcitrantly.

This section mainly posts science related joke and humor for kids. Science jokes talks about chemistry, biology, physics, animals, experiments, technology and more. There is no scary elements that will scare kids. Science is always fun! To make it even more entertaining, give the kids a few of these jokes to experiment with today.

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