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School collection 09

A history joke
Where did the pilgrims land when they came to America?
On their feet!

You mean you need to sleep at home too!

Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning.
Class: Hooray!
Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon!

A history joke
Why did Julius Caesar buy crayons?
He wanted Mark Antony!

Why does history keep repeating itself?
Because we weren't listening the first time!

Teacher: Is Lapland heavily populated?
Class: No, there are not many Lapps to the mile!
Teacher: Name an animal that lives in Lapland!
Pupil: A reindeer
Teacher: Good, now name another.
Class: Another reindeer!

Theschool jokes here are about jokes and humor about school for kids. You will enjoy teacher jokes, student jokes, class jokes, studying and school life jokes here.

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