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Bad eyesight joke for kids

Bob wearily trudged into his house and laid down his bag of golf clubs.

"How was your game, darling" asked his wife, Jane. "I was hitting the ball ok, but my eyesight's gotten so damn bad I couldn't see where the ball went.' shrugged Bob.

"Well, you're 75 years old," said Jane. "You can't expect everything to be like it was. Why don't you take my brother Jimmy along."

"But he's 85 and he doesn't even play golf any more" protested Bob. "But he's got perfect eyesight," Jane pointed out. He can watch the ball for you."

So the next day Bob teed off with Jimmy looking on. He swung and the ball disappeared down the middle of the fairway. "Do you see it, do you see it" asked Bob in anticipation. "Yep!" Jimmy answered. "Well where is it" exclaimed Bob, peering off into the distance.

"I forgot," said Jimmy.

Funny Golf jokes for kids and children of all ages, offering different kinds of golf rules for beginners, humourous golf stories, golf laughs, golf quotes and much more.

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