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Brezhnev at his speech

The following is supposedly a true story. To be included, besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising, or funny.

Brezhnev, a former ruler of Russia, was thought not to be too bright. He comes to address a big Communist party meeting, and starts:

"Dear Comrade Imperialists,"

The whole hall perked up - "what did he say??" Brezhnev tried again...

"Dear Comrade Imperialists,"

Well, by now the hall was in pandemonium - was he trying to call them Imperialists? Then, an advisor walked over to the podium and pointed to the speech for Brezhnev. "Oh..." he muttered, and started again:

"Dear Comrades, Imperialists are everywhere."

There was a famous anecdote that the reason Brezhnev's (a former ruler of Russia) speeches ran six hours is because he read not only the original, but the carbon copy. In fact, there was a report near the end of Brezhnev's life that he went down to south Russia to deliver a speech on science, and accidently gave the wrong speech - on culture - and didn't even know it until it was over.

Funny short stories are to make you laugh. Some of these true stories are ture, while others are made-up stories. And all stories are ideal for bluffing your friends. They will all laugh because of your short stories jokes.

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